Josh Made Scones!

Dear Sis,

I woke up to the smell of baking blueberries. I thought, Josh much be making toaster waffles and I must be starving because they smell great! William and I came downstairs to these:

…and my husband standing over the stove frying eggs!!!! Josh had an irrational contempt for all things egg, so it was endearing to watch him cook one for William and then me. 

Not only did my husband make scones, but they were super yummy… even after cooling and sitting in a storage bag over night. I insisted he share the recipe, he smiled and said, “It’s a You Suck at Cooking Video.”

I watched the video so that I could have a writen copy of the recipe… it is hilarious! You Suck at Cooking: Lemon Blueberry Scones

Lemon Blueberry Scones
Yields 8
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  1. 2 c unbleached flour
  2. 3 T granulated sugar
  3. 1 t baking powder
  4. 1/2 t salt
  5. 1/3 c cold unsalted butter, chopped
  6. 1 T lemon zest
  7. 1 1/2 c fresh blueberries
  8. 1 c heavy cream
  1. Preheat oven to 400. Line a baking sheet with parchment.
  2. Whisk together dry ingredients. Cut in cold butter.
  3. Stir in zest and berries.
  4. Form a well with dry mixture. Pour in cream and gently scrap mixture around with a fork until it forms large clumps.
  5. Turn dough onto a floured surface. Knead just enough to form a rectangle that is about an inch thick. Cut into 8 wedges. Place on prepared baking sheet 2 inches apart.
  6. Bake 15-20 minutes until lightly browned. Serve warm.
Tag Sis, You're It!
Despite the sweet and entertaining nature through which this recipe came to our family. It is here to stay. This recipe is better than any scone recipe I’ve ever tried before!

