Dayton Airshow

Dear Sis,

Today Josh took us to the Dayton Airshow. William has been looking forward to it for days! He is very enthusiastic about all things airplane. He is already certain he will fry airplanes when he is big. In all likelihood, he will have a pilots license before a drivers license:)

William got his face painted for the first time. He picked out a ladybug all by himself:)

The children’s tent was amazing. There were to large sandboxes, tables around with crafts and legos, both standard, and larger for smaller kids, little tyke kitchens and play sets, and an area with a bunch of balls and sports equipment. Josh and I took turns watching the show and hanging out with William in the play tent.

On the way home we stopped at Olive Garden for dinner. Then we went to Lowes, to look at patio furniture. We ended up buying a set. I’m very excited about outdoor meals and a comfy shady place to watch William playing in the backyard:)

We got home around dusk. Just in time to catch some lightning bugs before bed!

