Papa Jeff’s Visit – Spring 2020

Dear Sis,

Papa Jeff did a job in Texas this past week. He stopped to visit yesterday morning, on his way back home. It was short, but sweet:)

Charlotte needed a wardrobe change in the afternoon. She got to wear the lovely knit dress you made for Evelyn some time ago!

Charlotte likes being vertical so much, Josh decided it was time to take out the walker.

We took a three generation photo for Great Grandma Cooper just before Papa Jeff headed home this morning.

While I was putting Charlotte down for her afternoon nap, William snuck out of his bed and fell asleep on the stairs while he was waiting for me. Josh camped out on the stirs for over 30 minutes to make sure he wouldn’t fall.

Charlotte’s new headbands arrived! I was looking for simple bows, in a variety of colors, with this type of elastic band. It’s the only type of elastic band we’ve found that stays in place well without digging in too much!

