Back Yard Landscaping

Dear Sis,

I have wanted to landscape the back yard since we moved in, nearly three years ago. We began working on it back in the beginning of August, just a little at a time, during the kids outdoor evening play time. We finished today!!!

There is a small plot on the other side of the deck steps that isn’t visible in this photo. That is where I plan to put my kitchen herb garden.

The visible deck portion is where William is going to grow cucumbers. He eats pickles by the jar-full, so it seems like a good thing to plant:)

In the corner, near the storm drain, I plan to place a zucchini plant.

The bit alone the back of the sunroom, is where I plan to have William plant a row of green beans. I want to incorporate gardening into the kids schooling routine. William will only be four next year, so I only wanted to plant a few easy things, for his very first garden. 

We used all the rocks we dug up, to create pretty drainage below the water drain. I aspire to use stones below all our down spouts eventually:)

Both the kids really enjoyed playing in the dirt while I weeded and seated the landscaping stones. William was fascinated by all the insects we unearthed. Charlotte learned not to put the rocks in her mouth. We taught her to put them in a pail instead! 

