Birthday Visitors 2021… continued

Dear Sis,

Today was crazy busy from the start. We woke early to get dressed for a family photo shoot at a local park. After which, we returned home and made a dinosaur cake in preparation for evening festivities. 

Makers Notes: Bake a 9×13 inch sheet cake. Draft a pattern for cutting. The head, body, and tail are separate pieces. I used this series of blog pictures from Art it Out!, as a guide. Here are pictures of my process:

This was my first cut-to-shape cake. I got a lot of crumbs in my finished frost because I did not do a very thin, “crumb frost” first. Live and learn! We used a large candy eye, milk chocolate candy melts cut to a point and chocolate chips to decorate our frosted cake. 

John and Susan arrived in the early afternoon, and we all met at EnterTAINment JunctionThe model train display follows the history of the train from the mid nineteenth century – today. The display has breaks in it at the play area:

The kids, Josh, and John did the funhouse too! They report that it is filled with optical allusions that mess with your balance as an adult, but don’t seem to phase the kids:)

We returned home to enjoy pizza, cake, and playtime together! It was a short, but very sweet visit. The kids didn’t know who John and Susan were before their arrival, but in just a few hours they didn’t want them to leave:)

