A New Coat of Paint

Dear Sis,

January marked the four year anniversary of the purchase of our home. Since that time, I’ve been planning to brighten up the master bedroom, but was always too busy with babies to bother.

The timing still wasn’t perfect, but with a new carpet install marked on the calendar, it seemed like a now or never kind of thing.

The kids and I spent the afternoon Thursday, moving the furniture into the center of the room, masking, patching, and sanding.

Our masking was so through we didn’t get any paint on the carpet, which makes me realize it is possible to paint the hallway, despite the new carpet. Good prep work goes a long way!

We brought paint Friday after swim lessons and got right to work. The difference in the two colors is striking!

I purchased single coat paint, hoping it would save me a day of painting, but alas it didn’t quite cover. Additionally, the transition form flat to satin finish revealed a whole new layer of defects that needed to be patched and sanded. That task was tackled on Saturday, along with completion of the accent wall.

Josh wasn’t home while we painted, but when he got home he asked me, “Did you know one of our walls in white?” He doesn’t love it as much as I do! In his defense, accent walls are usually the bold color and the neutral is usually for the remaining walls:) I made this design choice because I wanted a light aqua color in our room, but also knew it clashed with the colors in our wedding guest book wall art.

We purchased an additional gallon of paint Sunday morning, so we could do a second coat. It was nice that Home Depot reduced the price of our second gallon because the single coat didn’t workout, which was nice.

Late Sunday, I we removed all the masked and put everything back in its proper place.

The new carpet went in Wednesday and Thursday. The light color added additional brightness to the space. It’s the tropical oasis I was going for!

Completing this project made me thing of several more I’d like to tackle in the coming years!

  • Patch and repaint the light yellow walls in the living room.
  • Paint the hallways something light that isn’t orange!
  • Patch and repaint the master bath light yellow because it will go with the new bedroom color and the current decor much better. I even want paint the golden oak cabinet dark blue and add a shelf above the toilet like we did in the first floor half bath last year.
  • Repaint the kids bath and change the miss-match decor to a collection of butterfly decor I collected for Charlotte’s room before we decided to do a piggy/farm theme.
  • Paint all the closets white inside, repaint any doors and trim that need a fresh coat.

How is it that checking one project off a to-do list always seem to be followed by adding five more projects!?

