Shadow and Cookie

I figured it is about time I do a post about our newest spring and summer arrivals. One wonderful thing about living in the country is the babies. As a child, the chicks and baby rabbits were sooo very exciting for me, and now my kids get to enjoy the experience as well!

To start of the year, all four of our bantam cochin hens went broody. Cochins are such a great breed. They are wonderful pets for the children, and make great mothers.

We also added two kittens to our household. It took them a bit to get adjusted to living inside (they were outdoor farm kittens), but they are now super friendly and running all over the house. We will let them outside eventually, we just wanted to make sure they knew where home was. They are also soo tiny, I would worry about a hawk or coyote eating them at this age.

The kids absolutely love the kittens, and play with them everyday. We named the brown one Cookie and the black one is Shadow. They lounge on Nate’s lap… the man who never had cats before is their favorite.

Both cats are such beggars, like worse than a dog. They will also jump onto the table or counter and steal food. Out of all our cats growing up, I don’t remember every having cats so sneaky or interested in stealing our food. One jumped on the table the other day and took Eve’s sugar cookie! Poor kid.