
You will never guess what wild boy got stitches before the age of two? Grant bit his lip in half on Monday. He climbed the chest freezer in the kitchen and fell off landing upright between the wall and the freezer. Somehow in that mix, he chomped his lip.

My friend Kathy, came over to check him out. She is a nurse, and I called her up because I wasn’t sure if he should get stitches, or if I was being a fussy mom. Together, we went to Urgent Care, where Grant got one stitch. The doctor wasn’t sure he needed it, but we were afraid he was going to keep playing with it and not let it heal together properly. 

Anyway, it hasn’t slowed him down a bit, and the day diet of popsicles was apparently the best thing ever! 

But, if I have an early heart attack. You know who caused it!