The Missing Sister

Hi Sis,

I haven’t done many blog posts lately, because I may have been busy sucking at life. I’m tired, in fact we are all tired. Nate has been working the refueling outage at the plant, which has been 13 hour days, every day, for close to a month now. Evelyn, has also been giving me trouble about sleeping at night, so I am pretty much a walking zombie. New recipes, crafting, nahhh. I just noticed my shirt was inside out at lunch. But, thankfully I have been managing to keep up with laundry and dinner. 

Despite our sleepy and boring state, one thing did happen. Evelyn turned 9 months old! She is such a cutie, and looking more and more like a little person instead of a baby. She is certainly keeping me busy, as she now cruses around the house and has fun getting into everything. 

I will upload a picture of her later, if I remember. lol My computer is annoying, so I need to upload with my phone.

