Play Money

Dear Sis,

William has been very curious about money lately. I suggested we make some toy money and he liked that idea very much. I finally had some time this evening while William and Daddy went to the car wash and park. I found a free printable here.

I used card stock and the laminator for extra durability.

I also printed a second page of bills and coins, but ended up discarding all the $1.00 coins because they didn’t fit in the coin purse.

I used clear packing tape to assemble the wallet, credit card pocket, and coin purse, and adhesive velcro circles to make a closure for the coin purse.

William was very impressed saying, “This is great! Thank you Mama!” over and over as he checked out all the pockets and their contents:)




Oatmeal Banana Lactation Cookies

Dear Sis,

Mama Jenn had Carter’s new little brother, baby Cooper, almost 2 weeks ago. So, these cookies are for her. However, they were motivated, by some overly ripe bananas, and the thought that it would be easier to create a recipe now, while I’m still relatively well rested. Once baby sister arrives, I can use this fully tested recipe:) 

Oatmeal Banana Lactation Cookies
Yields 36
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  1. 2 very ripe bananas, mashed
  2. 3/4 c packed brown sugar
  3. 1/2 c granulated sugar
  4. 1/2 c unsalted butter, softened
  5. 2 egg, beaten
  6. 1 T vanilla extract
  7. 1 c unbleached flour
  8. 1/2 c flax meal
  9. 1/3 c brewers yeast
  10. 1 1/2 t ground cinnamon
  11. 1/2 t baking powder
  12. 1/2 t baking soda
  13. 1/2 t salt
  14. 3 c old fashion oats
  15. 1/2 c semi-sweet chocolate chips or crushed walnuts (optional)
  1. Preheat oven to 350. Line a baking sheet with parchment or silicone baking mat.
  2. Cream together banana, sugars, butter, eggs, and vanilla.
  3. Combine dry ingredients except oats, chocolate, and/or nuts. Stir into banana mixture.
  4. Fold in oats. Fold in chocolate or nuts, if using.
  5. Place heaping spoonfuls on baking sheet. Bake approximately 10 minutes. Remove and place on cooling racks immediately.
Tag Sis, You're It!
These make rather large, soft cookies. I wanted to be able to pick up one cookie as a snack during a breastfeeding session. If smaller cookies are desired, the recipe will easily yield 60. Adjust baking time accordingly. Store airtight or freeze and thaw as needed.




Sweet William’s Pickles

Dear Sis,

Our backyard neighbors, Barb and Duke, gave us some home grown cucumbers. Nobody at our house eats fresh cucumber, but William downs a jar of sweet pickles each week. We made enough for two months:)

Bread & Butter Pickles
Yields 6
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  1. 6 sterilized pint jars with lids & bands
  2. 4 lb. small cucumbers
  3. 4 small onions, sliced
  4. 1 red bell pepper, sliced
  5. 2 T pickling salt
  6. 4 c apple cider vinegar
  7. 3 c granulated sugar
  8. 2 T mustard seed
  9. 1 t celery seed
  10. 1/2 t ground turmeric
  11. 1/4 t ground cloves
  1. Trim ends and slice cucumbers 3/16 inch thick. Toss sliced cucumber, onion, and pepper with pickling salt and stand 3 hours.
  2. Rinse and drain salted vegetables twice.
  3. Combine vinegar, sugar, mustard seed, celery seed, turmeric, and cloves in a large stock pot. Cover and bring to a boil on high.
  4. Add vegetable and cook stirring, just until the green of the cucumber skin begins to dual.
  5. Using a slotted spoon, place vegetables in sterilized jars.
  6. Top with brine 1/2 inch from jar top. Wipe jar openings clean with a damp sponge. Top with lids and bands.
  7. Process in a water bath 10 minutes. Stand 24 hours before disturbing. Remember to date and label contents before placing in a cool dark place to store up to one year.
Tag Sis, You're It!
Poor William wants to try them right away! He’ll have to wait until tomorrow:)



Visiting Aunt Jamie

Dear Sis,

Our week with you went by very quickly! Your house must seem very quite after all those house guests:)

Wednesday, June 26th

We work up and packed the car. It took us three hours to get our things together, Evelyn’s new Little Tyke car and Pottery Barn kitchen garage sale bargains, and pack all the party supplies and food, into the back of our mini van. We arrived in time for dinner. 

Thursday, June 27th

Papa Jeff arrived while we were sleeping. He was ready with a dozen blueberry muffins for the morning rush:)

I had a busy day in the kitchen making Fondant Watermelon Cupcake ToppersWatermelon Rice Krispy Treats and the sugar cookie crust for Fruit Pizzas for the party. 

William spent the day practicing casting and reeling his new fishing rod, so he would be ready for his first fishing experience with Papa Jeff.

Evelyn put her new walking feet to use, trying to keep up with William!

Friday, June 28th

I got an early start before anyone needed the kitchen and baked 4 dozen Chocolate Chip Watermelon Cupcakes for the party. I also made the Potato Salad and filling for the Deviled Eggs. 

When my party chores were finished, I took the kids for a dip in the pool. 

Meanwhile, you and Carmin cleaned the garage and set up all the table and chairs for the party.

Family friend Orville, Mom’s boyfriend Brian, Mom, and Nate’s friends Alex and Shannon arrived with their 9 month old twins. We had a full house by dinner time!

Saturday, June 29th

We spent the morning getting all the food prepared for party time! Then we got to sit back and enjoy family and friends:) Mom, and her mom, Great, were kind enough to do the clean up, so we pregnant ladies could take a much needed break. 

Our friend Sarah, from our Old Economy Village days, was able to come with her two kids. Her oldest, James is also in the picture.

Friends get you a water table for your birthday. True friends build it for you! John and Susan, our friends from synagogue days, well over a decade ago, came to the party too:) Somehow John isn’t in this picture. Grandpa Carmin snuck in instead.

Thanks to all the family and friends who helped make Evelyn’s First Birthday a truly wonderful occasion!

Sunday, June 30th

We said goodbye to Grandpa Jeff, Gran and her boyfriend Brian, and Orville after lunch. The remainder of the day, we took it easy. Both Mama’s and toddlers had afternoon naps. After all that rest, we were ready for an evening walk after supper. 

Afterward, Papa Carmin and the kids played with the new homemade blocks. Papa Carmin took care to use a light wood and size the blocks for little hands and easy stacking. They are a hit!

Monday, July 1st

We started the day with a morning run to the grocery store.

Evelyn had her one year well-check at the pediatrician. When she was done being a very well tempered pin-cushion, she got to come home and play in her new water table with William.

Tuesday, July 2nd

Tuesday morning we all went to Geneva Public Library for family story time. We spent the rest of the day cleaning up and packing so we would be ready for the long drive home early the next morning. 

Evelyn and William really enjoyed their week together. Boy are they going to miss one another’s companionship! The sibling manufacturing process is too slow:)

Wednesday, July 3rd

We got home safely in the afternoon. William was trilled to see Daddy when he stepped in the door! 

