D is for Dolphin

Dear Sis,

Our Daily Reading

Today’s first non-fiction selection is Dolphin Baby by Nicola Davies. This book is written like a story that follows baby dolphin from birth to adulthood. Additional information is placed to the side on each side, in case your little is extra interested:)

Today’s second non-fiction selection is Dolphin Talk: Whistles, Clicks, and Clapping Jaws by Wendy Pfeffer. This book takes great measures to relate to the young reader, by comparing dolphin communication to human communication. A very interesting read:)

“D” is for Dolphin Letter Craft

Parent Preparation

  • Print two copies of D is for Dolphin Coloring Page from Education.com.
  • Use one copy to cut a dolphin template and the other to cut a D template.
  • On white card stock, trace and cut out letter D.
  • On gray craft foam, trace and cut out dolphin. Use pen to create fin details.
  • Provide blue paint, brush, and paint apron, glue stick, and wiggly eye.

Student Assembly

  • Paint D blue. Set aside until dry.
  • Paste dolphin in place.
  • Paste wiggly eye in place.

We had a play date with William’s friend Carter today, so we included him in our letter craft and snack:)

Feed the Dolphin Counting Mat

Parent Preparation

Our Process

  • Choose a number card at random. Name the number. If the student doesn’t remember the number name, find the number on the puzzle and count together to find the number name.
  • Place that number of fish on the counting mat.
  • Count the fish aloud together to check work.

Ocean Bingo

This free Ocean Bingo Printable made by Little Miss Kim’s Class can be downloaded from her Teachers Pay Teachers page. We laminated ours for durability and used fish crackers as place markers.

Dolphin Snack

Dolphin Snack
Serves 1
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  1. 1 banana
  2. 1/3 c blueberries
  3. 6 graham cracker fish
  1. Trim tip of banana stem, so it has a fresh smooth tip. Slice stem in half across the length to make the dolphin's mouth. About halfway down the banana, cut the banana, taking care to make the cut edge straight enough for the banana to stand. Draw an eye on each side of the banana with a black permanent marker.
  2. Place the banana is a small dish. Wash and place blueberries around banana to look like water.
  3. Place a fish cracker in the dolphins mouth and the rest over the blueberries, so they look like they are swimming in the water.
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