Grape Picking

Hi Sis,

We missed Elderberry picking and making jelly this year. The farm where we go picking is about two hours away, so it is definitely not a trip I like to make on my own. Our neighbor Fran who introduced us to Elderberry jelly usually heads down to pick berries as well, but they were too busy to make it as well. So, Fran and I decided to go grape picking. After all, I need to make my Christmas jellies!

We live in wine country, so there are grape vineyards and wineries everywhere! There are three Pick U self places that I know off within five minutes of our house. We stopped by one, and had fun picking. Twenty one pounds of grapes for $7.00! Sure, is a lot cheaper than Elderberries.

Fran, Evelyn and Grandpa 

Grapes, grapes, grapes

Hey, it is a picture with me in it! I exist honest.

Helping mommy can

Because I am a crazy lady, I canned the jelly the same day that we picked the grapes. Before I know it, it was 8:00 pm and it didn’t cook it down as much as I would have liked, so it is thin… grape syrup anyone? But, boy does it taste amazing! 

Love Jamiegoof

This entry was posted in Canning.

E is for Eyes

Dear Sis,

Our Daily Reading

Today’s first non-fiction selection is My Eyes by Lloyd G. Douglas. This book is simplifies the sense of sight in to a quick and easy read.

Today’s second non-fiction selection is Tell Me Why I Need Glasses by Jennifer Colby. William is curious about glasses. I wear them all the time, but daddy only wears his for work and occasionally at home when  he has a lot of reading to do. This book explains why some people wear glasses from a child’s world view.

Alien Eye Counting Cards

Parent Preparation

Our Process

  • Match alien numbers cards with puzzle numbers, so young ones can count to figure out forgotten number names.
  • Place the correct number of eyes on each alien.
  • Check work by counting aloud with your grown up.

5 Senses Puppets

Parent Preparation

Student Assembly

  • Color puppets as desired.
  • Cut out or ask a grown up to help you cut out the puppets.
  • Paste a craft stick to the back of each puppet.

Science: How Sight Works

I found this worksheet as a jpg on Pinterest and I wasn’t able to trace it back to a linkable source. 

I Spy

This toddler version worked well for us, but any I Spy book will do the trick:)

