Fourth of July Fun

Dear Sis,

How fun that our visit over lapped the holiday. It was a busy day with fun, family, and friends! Gran, Brian, and Orville arrived around lunch time for our leftover buffet.

Gran was so happy to hold her new granddaughter for the first time!

Our family friend Orville, was excited to hold the new baby too!

William enjoyed Gran’s boyfriend, Brian’s, hat.

After lunch, Gran, Brian, and Orville set to weeding Aunt Jamie’s vegetable garden.

William got very hot and dirty helping in the garden, so he took a quick dip in Gizmo’s drinking pool.

For dinner, Grandpa Carmin made burgers and hotdogs on the grill and we had lots of fresh fruit and veggies to go with it.

Brain and Orville left after dinner, but first Brian had to get a turn holding Evelyn:)

William concluded a fun day learning all about Pop-its with Grandpa Carmin.

Happy 4th day of life on the 4th of July, Evelyn!

