

Homeschooling Ohio Requirements

Literature – Based Curriculum Directory

Common Core Workbook Directory







Best Friends

Dear Sis,

Today, during play date, Carter surprised William with some shirts he picked out.




Dear Sis,

Tonight we played with the bubble mitts from Great.

Bubbles are especially lovely at sunset.



Bunny’s Book Club

Dear Sis,


Reading Bunny’s Book Club by Annie Silverstro, inspired William to ask if we could have our own book club. We planned our first meeting in March, but it was postponed due to the quarantine for COVIN-19. After waiting several months, William finally had his first book club meeting.


I found foam rabbit craft kits at the dollar store back around Easter time and bought a half dozen of them for book club.


Throwing things is always a hit with little people, we made the bunny out of foam board for extra rigidity. The carrot bean bags are made with felt.


Lemonade & Sweet Tea

Carrot Cupcakes

Leaping Bunny PB&J

Baby Carrots & Ranch

Annie’s Cheddar Bunny Crackers


Hop Little Bunnies

The kids really enjoyed this action song.

We ended up dancing to it three times:)

Our book club was attended by five kids, and two babies. It took us 1.5 hours to get through all the material.



Ten Months Old

Dear Sis,

Our big girl is racing to her first birthday! She is now crawling and cruising furniture… faster each day. She enjoys bits of solid food, and just got her third tooth.



Visiting with You – Part 2

Dear Sis,

I was excited that you agreed to drive back with us to extend our time together another five days, making it a full 15 days together:)

July 14, 2020

An evening walk at Rosemont Park.

July 15, 2020

July 16, 2020

Thanks to your sister-in-law, Melissa we have some great pictures of our cheek stomp.

As hostess, I was busier at my own home than, I was at yours, so I didn’t take as many pictures, but it was a wonderful visit just the same!



Visiting You Cause Evelyn is Two

Dear Sis,

July 3, 2020

Enjoying an evening walk with Gran and family friend, Orville.

July 4, 2020

Gran’s boyfriend Brain was a photographer, so he helped me get the kids and the cake posed just right:)

July 5, 2020

Enjoying a local outdoor church service

July 8, 2020

Picnic and creek stomp at Covered Bridge MetroPark.

July 9, 2020

July 10, 2020

Little kids mix play dough colors, so when there are a lot of kids we like to have a lot of one color of dough to go around. We made this chocolate dough for William’s third birthday party and now it is our favorite!!!

Chocolate Play Dough

Author: b


  • 2 c water
  • 1 1/2 c flour
  • 1 c salt
  • 1/2 c cocoa powder
  • 2 T vegetable oil
  • 1 1/2 T cream of tartar


  • Combine all ingredients in a large sauce pot over medium heat.
  • Cook stirring until dough forms a ball.
  • Dump out of pot and cool to touch.
  • Knead until smooth.
  • Play, store airtight, repeat. Dough can be remoistened with water when it gets a bit dry.

We enjoyed a day with Gran’s parents, Great and Pop, and our dad, Papa Jeff.

After dinner, William and Papa Jeff fished in the back yard until well after dark. William caught three fish.

July 11, 2020

William and Papa went right back to fishing the next morning. William caught three more fish before coming inside to play with the other kids.

The next few days I didn’t get any picture because we were too busy packing up and driving to my house. 



Granny Bob and P-Pop Visit

Dear Sis,

June 29, 2020

Granny Bob and P-Pop arrived in the evening. They needed to stretch their legs after a day in the car, so we walked a bit of the Miami River Trail. William tripped and skinned his knee early in our excursion, so he did half of the walk on P-Pop’s shouldered and the other half in baby sister’s stroller.

June 30, 2020

Our A.C. broke overnight, so the following day we spent a lot of time outside and ate take out so we wouldn’t make the house even hotter!

We picnicked on Lee’s Chicken at Woodsdale Regional, until we got rained out. We sat out the rain and installed two temporary window units to make things less unbearable inside.

The rain provided a nice cool down, so we spent most of the afternoon in the back yard. Granny Bob and William worked together for about 20 minutes and now William can propel the tandem swing independently. 

We hiked the loop at Rosemont Park. When we arrived home, daddy was home, and decided we were going to a hotel for the night. We packed quickly and enjoyed some smoke bombs before heading out.

July 1, 2020

We arrived home early the next morning to let the HVAC installation crew inside. William got to enjoy more play dough time with Granny Bob.

Charlotte gave a lot of good bye hugs!

Granny Bob took a new family photo for us!!!

Our visit was short and sweet! See you tomorrow!!!

