Papa Jeff Visits

Dear Sis,

Papa Jeff visited on his way home from a job in Kentucky. He arrived at dinner time Tuesday. He and William reconnected in minutes:)

Wednesday we took Papa Jeff to Cabela’s. Apparently he doesn’t live near one, but we have one just 20 minutes away:) William was quite taken with the taxidermy, fish tank, and squishy fishing tackle.

Our visit was short, but sweet! It came at a perfect time, because all of our friends were too sick or busy to visit this week:)



Premiering September 2019

Dear Sis,

This week we had our very first midwife visit and sonogram. It is nice to put eyes on our new little one. He/she wiggled a through the sonogram. William response… “baby play play!” The technician asked William if he was going to be a big brother soon and he put his hand on his chest and said, “big brother me.” He is feeling so big lately!

He is very tender to the new baby. He gives it kisses each morning and night and always takes care to shush Josh and I when we talk to loud… “Shhhh, baby sister night night!” And he is pretty sure the baby is a girl. Time will tell:)

Due September 27th, 2019



Spring Chicks

I went to Tractor Supply to pick up chicken food and was surprised to see they already had chicks! 

There was a six chick minimum, so I bought

1 Light Brahma
1 Buff Brahma
1 Buff Orpington
2 Cuckoo Marans or Barred Rocks
2 Mille Fluer Bantams
1 Old English Game Bamtam
2 White Silkies
and 1 Buff Silkie

Then, I ran across the streat to see what they had at Family farm and home

2 Gold laced Wyandottes
2 Buckeye
2 Saphire Blue
3 Easter Eggers
1 Australorp
1 ISA Brown
2 Welsummers

As you can see, I was good at staying around the six chick min! Oh, Polish and Olive Eggers are arriving next week… then, I am done for the year.