Home School Preparation

Dear Sis,

William will be starting Pre-K3 in September. He has been very enthusiastic as I make his curriculum and print and cut out the corresponding activities. We’ve even started getting his room ready. We are going to start our homeschool day there after he brushes his teeth and gets dressed. We can go straight into calendar and story time, grab out supplies from the home school shelf, and head down stairs for breakfast and lesson. 

William is very proud of his new calendar. It is a Mellissa and Doug item.

We also found a great alphabet boarder that matching him room nicely at Dollar Tree of all places:)

On our way home from the store today we stopped at a yard sale and got a shelf for all William’s Home School Supplies. 

After we cleaned off all the dust and cobwebs, and Daddy brought it upstairs for us, we loaded it up:) While I organized, William built a tower with his giant foam dice (another great Dollar Tree find).

We are getting very excited! William is all for anything that helps make him big… and he correlates school with that process!

