Trip to PA

Hi Sis,

This weekend Carmin arrived. The official move out of Pennsylvania has begun for him. His household items are loaded into our barn and the property is for sale. He is living on the road in his handmade mobile home… we seriously need to do a blog post on its awesomeness!

Carmin needed a ride to Pennsylvania so he could pick up his old truck. We figured we would make a day out of the trip, and do some visiting. Off to Pennsylvania to visit Dad! 

Upon arrival, Grandpa Jeff opened his huge jar of goldfish crackers. An Evelyn snacking frenzy followed.

Then, the two grandpas got busy hauling wood onto the garage addition Dad is working on. They worked… mostly talked, lol… for a few hours.

Evelyn did her best to be patient, while waiting for her two grandpas to come play with her. She ate several times, ran all around the yard, played in grease and tools in the garage, checked out new plants, played with the tractor, got a tractor ride from mom, and added another scrapped knee to her collection of scratches.

Finally, it was time to eat. Steak, salad, and Evelyn’s favorite… ice cream! 

It was a long a tiring day. But, Evelyn got a tractor ride from Grandpa Jeff right before we left! Grandpa is way more fun than mom, he drives faster. 

