Taking it Easy?

Dear Sis,

I fell down the stairs Friday morning. I ended up in the ER later that day. The x-rays found nothing but a trip to the orthopedist lead us to an MRI on Wednesday. It turns out I cracked the cartilage and micro fractured my right knee. I was sentenced to three weeks of taking it easy!

After a few days on the couch, I was about to lose my mind!!! So, I decided to work on the landscaping project I had just started before my fall. Believe it or not, I reseated all the landscaping stones, weeded, mulched, and extended the landscaping around the side of the house. You can see the differences here: Landscaping 2018.

The old scape used to have two layers of landscaping stone.

I felt like it hid the plants! I also rounded the corners of this front section

I have now transplanted or split all but three of the original plants.

Also the landscaping stones used to end at the rear Hosta. Now it goes along the side of the house all the way to the fireplace bump out, where weeds are hard to trim.

All the extra landscape stones are in the back yard awaiting a new project. 

See you in a few days!

