Easter in Tennessee

Dear Sis,

We traveled to TN on Saturday, so we could spend Easter Sunday at Great Aunt Peggy and Great Uncle Steve’s. Their three grown daughters, Josh’s parents, Granny Bob and P-Pop, and his little brother, Uncle Jason all gathered together to celebrate. The kids had an absolutely wonderful time and didn’t want to leave! Probably because they were enjoying the family and never ending egg hunts. They did a tea-light egg hunt Saturday night before bed, Aunt Peggy’s “giant egg” hunt on Sunday morning, and my egg hunt Sunday evening:)

Giant Egg Hunt

Great Aunt Peggy on the left and Uncle Jason on the right

The Park

When it warmed up a bit, Aunt Peggy suggested going to the park at a local school. The kids enjoyed kite flying and playing soccer and frisbee with Uncle Jason and P-Pop. 

William probably ran two miles trying to get the kite in the air!

Granny Bob got it airborne for the kids!

P-Pop helped Charlotte fly the kite too!

Egg Hunt

Granny Bob and I scattered 98 eggs around the front yard after dinner time. The kids found all but two! The grown ups had to hunt for those ones:)

Happy Easter!

