A Quick Visit – Summer 2022

Dear Sis,

I didn’t take enough pictures during my visit. Maybe you can fill in the gaps.

June 23rd

Your bathroom with a blue sink, toilet, and tub, and pink wall paper has made me bonkers since I first stepped foot in your home. As usual, I forgot to take before photos, but here are the after shots:

Scraping the wallpaper boarder at the top of the wall and in the middle of the wall went better than I expected. No damage to the paint underneath! The stencil boarder I replaced it with matches the fixtures perfectly. So do the towels, shower curtain, cup, and soap dispenser. I love that we were able to use one of great grandma’s oil paintings! The custom wreath I made to go over the toilet fills the wall space nicely without looking too busy. The new mirror adds shape and style. We were not able to swap out the light fixture, but turning it to point upward instead of down made the space feel more open! The tiny touches of replacing the rusty floor vent and the ill matching cabinet handles really pulled everything together for a polished fresh feel. I love this makeover on a budget! It’s one of my favorites so far:)

June 24th

I spent most of the making a five tiered sprinkle filled candy cake, but we squeezed in a family photo session before bedtime:)

The photo has a totally different vibe than the rest, but it is good too:)

June 25th

Eve’s Fourth Birthday Party

I’ve made many cakes, but this is arguably the most challenging one despite it’s simplistic exterior. This is a five layer chocolate cake. The center portion of the four bottom layers were removed and made into the two little cakes. The center was thin lined with a coating of candy melt so that the sprinkle filled center wouldn’t clump after exposure to the moist cake. It took several hours of melting, pouring, and setting to form the perfect well for our sprinkle and Sixlet filled cake. The fifth layer of cake was placed above the welled layers and frosted over to hide the surprise contents.

We made a mess in the dining room, but the kids absolutely went nuts for the cake that drops candy everywhere when cut:)

The girls matching dresses were so stinking cute!

I don’t have any photos from the piƱata. Maybe you can add some. I would also love to see some pictures of the completed dining room and sewing room that I helped decorate during the visit.


Thanks for a wonderful visit!

