Evelyn is One Month Old

Hi Sis,

This month has gone by quickly, and I have very few blog posts! My days have mostly been filled getting very little done, outside of laundry, washing dishes, eating, and of course playing and caring for Evelyn.

It is crazy to think she is already a month old. She might be just a baby, be we are starting to learn Evelyn’s likes and dislikes, and she definitely knows her mommy and daddy now.

This morning while nursing Evelyn, Nate gets up for work. Evelyn gave him the most darling smile and reached her hand out to him. She also enjoys staring at us while we are talking, smiling, and on an occasion we get some giggles.

As for what she likes, food, sleep, rattles, being held, diaper changes, swinging, bouncing, being outside, and music. She is particularly fond of Enya, and my singing… sorry Nate!

Evelyn has a few dislikes too. Dirty diapers! She will cry and fuss up a storm till she is headed in the direction of the changing table. She also cries evertime she gets hiccups, poor girl!

Well, time for pictures 😀


