Granny Bob and P-Pop Visit

Dear Sis,

June 29, 2020

Granny Bob and P-Pop arrived in the evening. They needed to stretch their legs after a day in the car, so we walked a bit of the Miami River Trail. William tripped and skinned his knee early in our excursion, so he did half of the walk on P-Pop’s shouldered and the other half in baby sister’s stroller.

June 30, 2020

Our A.C. broke overnight, so the following day we spent a lot of time outside and ate take out so we wouldn’t make the house even hotter!

We picnicked on Lee’s Chicken at Woodsdale Regional, until we got rained out. We sat out the rain and installed two temporary window units to make things less unbearable inside.

The rain provided a nice cool down, so we spent most of the afternoon in the back yard. Granny Bob and William worked together for about 20 minutes and now William can propel the tandem swing independently. 

We hiked the loop at Rosemont Park. When we arrived home, daddy was home, and decided we were going to a hotel for the night. We packed quickly and enjoyed some smoke bombs before heading out.

July 1, 2020

We arrived home early the next morning to let the HVAC installation crew inside. William got to enjoy more play dough time with Granny Bob.

Charlotte gave a lot of good bye hugs!

Granny Bob took a new family photo for us!!!

Our visit was short and sweet! See you tomorrow!!!

