Mac n Cheese… Can You Guess the Secret Ingredient?

Dear Sis,

Today we made Macaroni and Cheese with a secret ingredient. One would never guess it was butternut squash!!!!!


Butternut Squash Mac n Cheese
Serves 8
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  1. 1 small butternut squash, peeled, seeded, and chopped
  2. 2 c chicken stock
  3. 2 t dijon mustard
  4. 2 c shredded Gouda
  5. 3 c shredded Cheddar, divided
  6. 1 c whole milk
  7. 3/4 c greek yogurt
  8. 1 pound mini penne, cooked
  9. 2 T butter, melted
  10. 1 c Italian breadcrumbs
  1. Preheat oven to 400 and grease a 9x13 inch casserole dish.
  2. Simmer squash in stock for 15 minutes. Puree with an immersion blender until smooth.
  3. Stir in mustard and 2 c each gouda and cheddar until melted and smooth. Stir in milk and yogurt until smooth.
  4. Stir in cooked pasta. Add salt and pepper to taste. Pour into prepared casserole dish.
  5. Top with a mixture of breadcrumbs, remaining c of cheddar, and melted butter.
  6. Bake 20-25 minutes until bubbly and warmed through.
  1. When smaller batches are desired, I used two 8x8 pans and freeze one for later. Don't bake the one for the freezer until it is thawed and ready to go on serving day.
Adapted from The Ultimate New Mom's Cookbook by Aurora Satler & Allison Childress
Tag Sis, You're It!

This is my new favorite mac n cheese recipe! Though I probably still use my old one on time crunch days:)

