Pizza Hamantaschen

Dear Sis,

These super easy pizza bites are perfect for toddlers at Purim!

We used a packaged refrigerator section pizza dough to save time and effort. 

We got 1 dozen 2 1/2 inch circles. If we had taken the time to roll out the leftover dough,we would have gotten a few more:)

We placed a dollop of sauce in the center of each dough circle and topped it with one slice of turkey pepperoni, some turkey sausage, and a bit of shredded cheese. Then we folded them into triangles like traditional Hamantaschen cookies and baked them.

We used the temperature suggested on the dough package and just kept a close eye knowing they wouldn’t need to bake anywhere near the suggested 20 minutes:)

Happy Purim!



Traditional Hamantaschen

Dear Sis,

We made traditional jelly filled Hamantaschen cookies in the morning to share with our Jewish neighbors and munch on throughout the day. 

Yields 30
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  1. 4 oz cream cheese, soft
  2. 1/2 c unsalted butter, soft
  3. 1/4 c granulated sugar
  4. 1 t vanilla extract
  5. 1/4 t salt
  6. 1 c unbleached flour
  7. 1/4 c apricot preserves
  8. 1/4 c raspberry preserves
  9. 1 egg white, beaten
  1. Cream together cheese, butter, sugar, vanilla, and salt until fluffy.
  2. Stir in flour until dough forms. Wrap in plastic and chill 30 min - overnight.
  3. Line baking sheets with parchment.
  4. Full dough on a floured/powdered sugared surface to 1/8". Cut 2 1/2" disks and place on prepared sheets.
  5. Warm preserves in microwave slightly to make more pliable. Fill each cookie center with preservers.
  6. Brush egg white around edges, fold into a triangle, press, to seal.
  7. Chill 30 minutes before baking!
  8. Bake cookies 12 minutes at 350.
Adapted from Saveur
Adapted from Saveur
Tag Sis, You're It!
William rolled out a half dozen of his own. They turned out so much like the rest it was hard to tell them apart. My kitchen helper is getting better all the time:) …still pretty messy with the flour though.

Happy Purim!

