Learning through Science: Colors Unit (Review)

Dear Sis, 

We are just finishing up Learning through Science: Colors Unit by Paige Hudson, creator of Elemental Science curriculum. This five dollar, seven week unit of study download, is for young children, ages 2.5 to 4, working through early preschool concepts. Each weekly lesson is themed around a color, with an optional shape addition.

Weekly Lesson Breakdown

  • The highlight of each weekly lesson is a science/sensory experiment/activity. My son especially liked the ones that used food he could snack on during or after the lesson:)
    • Each experiment or activity has a “Take it Further” suggestion, if your student is eager for more. We did a few of them and made up a few of our own.
  • There is a list of Read-Aloud suggestions. We just got six color themed books from our library each week without consideration for the list:)
  • Next there are two weekly note booking suggestions.
    • A weekly color collage, which we skipped. Many of the activities were artsy and William gets burt out with too much of any one thing.
    • The second note booking selection usually combined the color and shape concepts in a mathematical way. We liked these and added our own extension to these ideas.
  • Finally, there is a list of coordinating activities: art, math, fine motor, movement, and snack suggestions.

Although we didn’t love every activity and suggestion, this lesson plan was a great starting point that gave me the inspiration I needed to form my own weekly lesson plan. 

Here’s a peek at our homeschool fun!

Yellow week snack: homemade lemonade

Homemade Lemonade for One
Serves 1
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  1. 1 lemon
  2. 1 c cold water
  3. 3 T sugar
  1. Child, rinse and dry lemon. Adult, cut lemon is half. Child, use citrus juicer or reamer to extract lemon juice. Pick out seeds.
  2. Adult, provide a measuring cup with cold water. Child, combine juice and water in a glass. Add sugar and mix until combined.
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William enjoyed blue week’s hands-on project and “take it further” suggestion so much he wanted to do more. I had to think on my feet to create more activity for him:) We rinsed off some blueberries. Math: we counted the blueberries as we dropped them into the water. Fine Motor: we used a skewer to poke the berries and remove them from the water to eat. He loved my additions so well, we did it again during purple week with grapes:)

Blue week’s fine motor activity is making and using homemade finger paint. The batch is huge and if your kid is anything like mine, he won’t be finished until it is gone. I recommend a half batch:)

Green week’s movement activity uses the oval shape to create lily pads for frog hopping. I made ten so we could count while we hopped. I had to tape them to the hard floor so he didn’t slip and fall. They stayed the rest of the week and were part of countless other play activities:)

If you have any questions about our experience with this curriculum, ask in the comment section:)

Happy Schooling,
