Montessori Floor Bed

Dear Sis,

We have a bassinet, a mini crib, and a full size crib. I’m not sure why. As a breast feeding mama, I’ve found co-sleeping is the only way to get some much needed rest. As a result, Charlotte also takes two naps in our bed throughout the course of the day. I’ve taken to building a pillow nest around her so she doesn’t roll off before I run upstairs to get her. Yesterday, she was so quiet, I didn’t hear her on the monitor before she fell off the bed.

Today, we decided to take the crib out of her room and use the queen size guest mattress to create a floor bed. In Montessori spirit we also made the rest of the room baby friendly for exploration. We still need a baby gate in the doorway. Daddy will install it for us:)

I still need to make black-out curtains and add some wall decor. I’ll be sure to post some pictures when I finish.

