Play Money

Dear Sis,

William has been very curious about money lately. I suggested we make some toy money and he liked that idea very much. I finally had some time this evening while William and Daddy went to the car wash and park. I found a free printable here.

I used card stock and the laminator for extra durability.

I also printed a second page of bills and coins, but ended up discarding all the $1.00 coins because they didn’t fit in the coin purse.

I used clear packing tape to assemble the wallet, credit card pocket, and coin purse, and adhesive velcro circles to make a closure for the coin purse.

William was very impressed saying, “This is great! Thank you Mama!” over and over as he checked out all the pockets and their contents:)




Velcro Sticks

Dear Sis,

I saw this idea on Pinterest and thought William was at the perfect age for it! We made a second set for cousin Ronan. His second birthday is later this month. We will get to meet him and give him his gift in person when we go to Iowa in a few weeks:)

To Make Your Own Velcro Sticks:

  • Wide Colored Craft Sticks
  • Sticky Velcro Circle

It really is that simple!




DIY Sensory Counting Cards

Dear Sis,

Tonight William and I made Sensory Counting Cards! We made a stringy mess with the hot glue too:)

To make your own you will need:

    • 1/2 sheets of foam
    • pipe cleaners
    • pom poms
    • hot glue
    • permanent marker
    • extra patience, if working with a toddler!

William can count to five independently! He is learning so fast!!!

