A Busy Weekend

Hi Sis,

Like most weekends, our house had company! This weekend, we had a lot of visitors.

Nate had Friday off, so he and some fellow co-workers joined up to play games and work on a project for Family Safety Day at work. Which, is a day when family can go to the plant, eat lunch, see demonstrations, experiance some of the training, and learn about the nuclear power plant.

While the boys were hanging out, Evelyn and I walked over to visit Earl and Erma, our neighbors. Earl hasn’t been over for eggs since before Evelyn was born! So, we brought him a dozen and introduced Evelyn. They loved seeing her and got a kick out of her hair. They had fun telling me about their great grand daughter who was born two weeks ago!

Friday night, was game night, half our regular game players were gone… it is the week of Gencon in Indiana. Nate usually goes with his friends every year, but decided not to attend this year, with Evelyn being so young, so we had friends come over to play board games instead. I wish I could say I joined in, but I am too busy caring for Evelyn and I go to bed early. Still, it is nice to chat for a bit.

Monday morning Nate’s dad came over to visit. So we got to enjoy sometime playing with Evelyn, and the rattles that grandpa gave her. The boys also went grocery shopping and to the hardware store to fix Gizmo’s run, as he broke his cable the day before.

Grandpa Dave and Evelyn

Later, mom joined us. Her and I hung out for the day as Nate joined his co-workers for dinner and a movie. We weeded the garden, played with Evelyn, went for a walk, and took some time to relax. 

Grandma playing with Evelyn’s favorite toy… rattles!

The next morning had a relaxing start. Nate took Evelyn after her 6:00 a.m feeding so I could get another hour of sleep! Yay! 

Getting rocked by Grandma

Around noon we had friends and their two daughters come over for games. They made sausage and gravy biscuits for breakfast and it was delicious. Their daughters had fun playing with Gizmo, the chickens, Evelyn, playing games, baking, and also went across the street to visit the neighbor and see if she had goats for sale. They ended up picking out two Nigerian (A mini goat breed) kids.

Around two, Great Grandma and Grandpa Jackson came over. It was their first time meeting Evelyn!

Great Grandma Jackson

 Brian also came and played with Evelyn. She had a lot of fun getting swung by him and listening to him sing her songs.

Our Grandparents brought us their dinning room set. They are moving into a new home, and the dinning room set that was originally belonged to Great Grandpa Jackson’s parents isn’t going with them. Knowing we had only a tiny table that never held all our guests, they offered it to us, and we happily accepted!

I will have to do a post on the dinning room and living room once it is set up. It is so different, with all the furniture and decorations.

All the family left after a tasty dinner of grilled burgers, fruit, veggies, and pineapple upside down cake. Nate’s game friends stayed till 10:00. It was a long game of Twilight Imperiam, followed up by Clank. We will have to play Clank next time you come over, it is a new family favorite!

The exhaustion after a long day!

