Sock Matching

Dear Sis,

We went to Family Storytime this morning. The theme was socks and shoes, which is a great theme! Little people are super captivated by everything foot related when they are first learning to walk, talk, and put on their own shoes. In between stories, the librarian pulled out a sock matching game. Her’s were made of laminated construction paper, and she held them up and asked if they matched instead of putting a pile on the floor,  but it gave me a great idea for a puzzle game for William. I set about making it at nap time.

When he awoke, we tested it out… after snack of course:)

He quickly matched the orange, blue, and white, but then he notice how squishy and twisty the craft foam was and decided that was more fun for the moment:) Then, he decided to add tossing to the mix, for some crazy fun! Homemade toy success:)

